Specialty Fulfillment Center in Nampa, Idaho (SFC) is more than a fulfillment center. We are in the business of solving all of your picking and shipping problems. We make it as simple as possible for you to move merchandise to your customers in a timely and cost-effective manner.

One of the ways in which we achieve this is through the process known as Multi-Channel Fulfillment.

As many smaller retailers know, they often need to tailor their businesses to meet the demands of larger marketing platforms such as eBay or Amazon. These large sellers have a much larger reach than an individual web retailer. The result is a bulk of their sales being sourced from these platforms rather than being generated on their own organic website. However, since it’s best not to rely on one single site to provides all sales, retailers are in the position of juggling multiple order and supply chains that need to meet the requirements of numerous hosting sites as well as those of the end user who is expecting their product to arrive in a swift and efficient manner.

By using Specialty Fulfillment Center as your warehouse and shipping partner, it becomes possible to manage these many platforms much more efficiently. Integrating a single sku into all of your sales channels allows you to have a complete sales and inventory report available in one location. By having a solid grasp on what you are selling and where, you are better able to respond to inventory control issues and avoid either carrying excessive amounts of inventory or, much worse, getting caught short at a critical time. This also prevent you from paying for and finding warehousing for items that don’t sell.

These financial and administrative benefits come on top of what SFC also provides you in terms of the logistics of shipping your orders promptly and in the most affordable manner possible. The benefits are so apparent that you might feel compelled to utilize Specialty Fulfillment Services as a ladder towards offering your products on additional platforms. Having a partner who is well-versed in how all of the major e-commerce sites prefer to operate can greatly reduce the worries that come from branching off into a new and largely-unknown pathway.

Yet, no matter the size of your operation, having a motivated and well-organized fulfillment center on your side can only help you maximize value from your current sales, keep you organized, prevent overstock and confusion, simplify inventory tasks, save money on carrying costs, save time, and help you build prospects sustainably through multi-channel fulfillment.

If you’re interested in working with a fulfillment center who is painfully dedicated to your success as a business, please give us a call for a consultation.  Click HERE for our contact page.


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