Shipping is one of the most important parts of any business transaction. A fulfillment service is designed to help companies manage, organize, and ship their products. This is the best way to save money and time.

What does Specialty Fulfillment Services do?

We offer companies a way to have their merchandise:

  • Shipped
  • Packaged
  • Housed
  • Managed
  • Tracked

We have made order completion our goal.

Make the Switch

People everywhere are making the switch from Fulfillment by Amazon to Specialty Fulfillment Services. Why? We are well-known within the industry for our accuracy and fast processing. We at SFS also offer a personalized touch that Amazon is lacking.

Accepting Amazon Fulfillments

Specialty Fulfillment Services works with Amazon businesses that are looking to up their game. Our integrated system allows clients to use a flexible platform system. Amazon orders are processed through Specialty Fulfillment Services automatically and quickly shipped out to the customer.


Specialty Fulfillment Services is a technologically advanced company. Our specialty includes an SFC API integration system that is linked directly to our customer’s computer so requesting orders to be shipped and tracked is done automatically. Keeping track of orders keeps market data information accessible.


Managing orders and keeping track of the data is often a full-time job. We have a wide array of services, each of which is designed to help ease the burden and stress of everyday operations. The real-time application is a must for managers who want to know every detail. Amazon businesses can be confident that their merchandise is being handled and prepared properly when partnering with Specialty Fulfillment Services.

Save Time and Money

Saving time and money is a motivator for change. People everywhere are switching from Fulfillment by Amazon to Specialty Fulfillment Services because of our streamlined shipping and integration options. Getting out orders quickly and efficiently is our number one priority.


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