For almost any business, being able to sell online through Amazon is becoming increasingly important. Of course, many of these businesses do not have the resources to efficiently ship and track the products they sell on Amazon on their own— also known as Fulfillment by Seller (FBS).

That’s why the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program assists businesses by providing a service to ship products to customers who are selling online through Amazon.

However, FBA is not your only option and there are many downsides to the program you may not be aware of. In fact, here at Specialty Fulfillment Center, we offer an FBA Alternative with our Amazon Store Fulfillment Services that we are proud to say will not only fit your Amazon fulfillment needs but will actually feel like an extension of your team.

Potential Disadvantages of FBA

Because FBA is run by Amazon itself, many people selling on Amazon assume that it’s the best way to ship. However, there are alternatives to using FBA. You may find that one of them is much better suited for your business needs, and at a fraction of the price.

Potential disadvantages of using FBA include that your products may need to be shipped to multiple fulfillment centers. This in turn can create additional costs and hassles through paying additional fees for transportation, meeting sales taxes in multiple states, keeping track of items that are stored in different locations and dealing with slower delivery times.

Furthermore, the very nature of how FBA functions can create a situation where your product is not being described consistently across sites on the Internet. This can lead to it appearing farther down in search results. All of the above are reasons why there are number of alternative services to FBA, including Specialty Fulfillment Center.

Advantages of a Fulfillment by Amazon Alternative

At Specialty Fulfillment Center, we stand out from other FBA alternative services with our 20+ years of experience. We can integrate your Amazon account with ours so that you enjoy a seamless order fulfillment experience. Furthermore, if you’re using a shopping cart such as Shopify and WooCommerce in addition to Amazon, we can coordinate with them as well.

We strive to build lasting business relationships with our customers. This is especially true when it comes to storing your inventory. We come through with customer service meant to make you see us as an extension of your own team.


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