
What is a Fulfillment Center? | Pick And Ship

When you are running a business that is dealing with products and orders, you need to make sure you are implementing a formula for success in your order process. It is easy to become overwhelmed when your business starts to grow rapidly and you have too many ordersa to take care of.

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Credit Card Security: Where Are We Now?

Summer is behind us, but recent memories of credit card processing breaches are still haunting security-conscious consumers, safety-minded merchants and bustling banks.

While CardSystems Solutions made media headlines in June after a computer virus captured the private information of millions of consumers, it was certainly not the only security breach that compromised identities this year.

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Outsourcing Your Ecommerce Order Fulfillment

When your eCommerce business grows to the point where you can no longer package and ship the orders yourself, it’s time to begin outsourcing your order fulfillment. Although all order fulfillment centers offer the same basic services, their individual methods and costs will help you choose one over the other. When selecting an order fulfillment service, keep the following in mind:

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Should You Outsource Order Fulfillment?

You might think it’s out of the question to outsource order fulfillment because your product or your sales volume don’t require it. Why not reconsider? In the end it’s not always going to be more cost-effective to do your order fulfillment in-house.

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Red Flags For eCommerce Fraud | Specialty Fulfillment Center

With about 93 percent of all consumer Internet purchases made with credit cards, credit card frauds are on the rise. In fact, a Gartner survey of 100 Web retailers found Internet credit-card fraud to be much more common than offline fraud, making it the “No. 1 problem” in e-commerce.

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